NCECA’s 58th Annual Conference, Coalescence, in Richmond, Virginia,
March 20-23, 2024.
NCECA’s 58th Annual Conference, Coalescence, Richmond, Virginia, March 20-23, 2024.
NCECA Demonstrating Artists
Paul S. Briggs
Andréa Keys Connell
Jabulile Nala
Justin Paik Reese
2024 NCECA Conference Poster featuring Elissa Armstrong
Register today for NCECA’s 58th Annual Conference, Coalescence, Richmond, Virginia!
Click to download the 2024 NCECA Program Guide and Exhibition Listings PDFs.
NCECA is driven to bring awareness to sustainable ceramic practices and their impact on the global environment. In 2024, green membership and conference practices will help reduce NCECA’s carbon footprint. This year we are offering a free digital download for NCECA’s 2024 conference poster and a print on demand option.
Click below to download a free printable PDF version of the conference poster:
Please note: the content of this page is updated weekly and is subject to change without prior notice.
2024 NCECA Demonstrating Artists
Paul S. Briggs and Jabulile Nala
Paul S. Briggs
Jabulile Nala
Paul S. Briggs
Every Pinch Counts
Hand-turned (pinched) ceramic vessels and pots will be the demonstration focus. Briggs will move clay upward and around the expanding form, hopefully mindful of every pinch. The vessel becomes a creation of the process of growing and expanding a form, and oneself, from one piece of clay without addition or subtraction.
Jabulile Nala
Making Ukhamba Zulu Beer Pot: Start to Finish
Attendees will see how we start the narrow base Ukhamba with a small ball of clay, thru coiling and shaping the full pot. On the second day, Nala will smooth and burnish the pot with a stone to prepare for the design. Traditional designs use a combination of amansumpa, ukuloba and iskoshi. Nala will be talking about the importance of Zulu beer pot, how each potter contributes something unique, and how we are always innovating within our tradition.
2024 NCECA Demonstrating Artists
Andréa Keys Connell and
Justin Paik Reese
Andréa Keys Connell
Justin Paik Reese
Andréa Keys Connell
Hollow Building at any Scale
Connell will demonstrate the hollow building techniques she uses to create large-scale figurative work. These techniques translate to working at any scale you desire!
Justin Paik Reese
Patterning and Carving Large Thrown Forms
This demonstration will cover Reese's personal processes of creating large composite forms and his approach to patterning and perforations.
2024 NCECA Keynote Presenters
Dr. Sarah Elizabeth Lewis and
Valerie Cassel Oliver
Valerie Cassel Oliver
Dr. Sarah Elizabeth Lewis
The Rise
The gift of failure is a riddle: it will always be both the void and the start of infinite possibility. Part investigation into a psychological mystery, part an argument about creativity and art, and part a soulful celebration of the determination and courage of the human spirit, Sarah Elizabeth Lewis makes the case that many of the world’s greatest achievements have come from understanding the central importance of failure.
Valerie Cassel Oliver
Wonder Working Power
This lecture explores the conceptual underpinning of ceramics in the African American South and their imprint on contemporary practices today. Primary in this exchange is the work of Theaster Gates, whose work will be on view at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts.
Dr. Sarah Elizabeth Lewis
Meet the 2024 Conference Presenters

Adam Posnak

Adrian Santiago

Adrienne Justice

Alecia Dawn Young

Amanda Leigh Evans

Amara Abdal Figueroa

Andréa Keys Connell

Angela Dieffenbach

Angelique Scott

Ariel Bowman

Ashlin Cheyenne

Asma Waheed

Becca Ito

Brenda Quinn

Bri Murphy
Brooke Millecchia

Carola Jones

Carole Epp

Carolina Rubio-MacWright

Cheryl Feldman

Chris Salas

Christie Brown

Clare Twomey

David Jones

Dawn Olson

Del Harrow

Diana Adams

Dr. Jessica Spradley

Dr. Sarah Elizabeth Lewis

Duncan Hooson

Emily Nixon

Eric Andre

Erika NJ Allen

Erin Carlton

Erin Sapre

Fabiola De la Cueva

Falguni Bhatt

Fernando Aidar

Frankie Reyes

Gerald Kaplan

Glen R. Brown

Gloria Han

Grace Han

Hayun Surl

Heidi Fahrenbacher

Hitomi Shibata

Howard Risatti

IBe' Crawley

Isaac Scott

Israel Davis

Jabulile Nala

Jai Sallay-Carrington

Janet DeBoos

Japheth Asiedu-Kwarteng

Jared Zehmer

Jasmine Baetz

Jean McLaughlin

Jennifer Waverek

Jerry Berta

Jessica Gardner

Joe Robinson

Jordan Lawson

Josh Copus

Joy McMillian
Justin Paik Reese

Kate Schroeder

Keaton Wynn

Kiichi Takeuchi

Leah McMichael

Lesley Baker

Liana Elguero

Liz Duarte

Louise Deroualle

Lydia C. Thompson

Mac McCusker

Madhvi Subrahmanian

Magdolene Dykstra

Malene Djenaba Barnett

Naomi Clement

Nicole Seisler

Nina Samuels

Nivialis Toro-López

Noah Greene

Oluwasegun Quadri

Paul S. Briggs

Phoebe Cummings

Rachel Deutch

Rebecca Graves Prowse

Rebecca Ickes Carra
Reginald Pointer

Richard Notkin

Robert King

Ronaldo Wiltshire

Rose Schreiber

Ruby Batra

Samuel Nortey

Sarah Pike
Sayaka Suzuki

Sondra Elder

Spring Montes

Stefani Threet

Steven Glass

Susan Feagin

Takuro Shibata

Tara Kothari

Teddy Osei

Tesni Stephen

Tessa Peters

Tom Budzak

Uriel H. Caspi

Valerie Cassel Oliver

Vivianne Siqueiros

Yael Braha

Yve Holtzclaw
Zoë Powell