2025 NCECA Presentation Proposals

Formation, Salt Lake City, Utah

Presentations will take place during Formation, the 59th annual conference of the National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts, Salt Lake City, Utah, March 26–29, 2025.

For questions about the Presentation proposals please contact: presentations@nceca.net
NCECA recommends using Google Chrome or Firefox to apply.

Overview of Presentation Formats
Click on the button to download a PDF that outlines all the different presentation formats.

2023 NCECA Co-Lecture: Small-Scale Production in The Restaurant Industry, Bethany Kramer and Christie Goodfellow


Deadline THURSDAY, MAY 2, 2024 (11:59PM EDT)

Lecture and co-lecture presentations are an opportunity for one or two presenters to share a focused exploration of a topic. The final 5-10 minutes of the session are reserved for questions and comments from the audience.

2023 NCECA Panel: Black Clay Bodies: Cultivating Black Creatives, William Henry Jackson III, Marcè Nixon-Washington, Deavron Dailey, Janet Watkins and Alecia Dawn Young.


Deadline THURSDAY, MAY 2, 2024 (11:59PM EDT)

Panel presentations feature a moderator and two or three presenters who bring a variety of perspectives to a subject. The moderator makes introductions and gives an overview of the topic for the session. Each presenter then shares their viewpoint through a brief illustrated presentation, followed by a moderated discussion during the second half of the presentation. The final 10-15 minutes of the session are reserved for questions and comments from the audience.

2023 NCECA Conference Current, Audience Members


Deadline THURSDAY, MAY 2, 2024 (11:59PM EDT)

Short Form are 10-minute, image-rich presentations that provide a glimpse into a resource, initiative, experience, or event of interest to the ceramics community. First-time presenters, students, international participants, and others interested in sharing work and ideas in this fast-paced and varied conference programming strand, please apply!

2023 NCECA Clay Conversation: Clay Commoning, Eva Masterman and Gerald A. Brown


Deadline THURSDAY, MAY 2, 2024 (11:59PM EDT)

Clay Conversations are interactive networking sessions that foster dialogue around shared interests and issues at the outset of the conference. The goals of session initiators are to frame the topic and engage all participants in the discussion.

Peer-to-peer conversational exchange is the goal of these sessions. Please submit a Clay Conversations proposal if you are interested in convening a group of people to share a discussion surrounding a topic you care about. Alternative submission portals exist for more formal presentations involving image presentation technology.

2023 NCECA Project Space, Shape-Shift-Flow, Hannah Kae Jacobson and Sahar Tarighi


Deadline THURSDAY, MAY 2, 2024 (11:59PM EDT)

Projects Space is a presentation opportunity for ceramic artists to create interactive, time-based, performative, relational, or site-responsive work during the annual NCECA conference. Successful proposals will be those that address the concept of FORMATION, use the medium of clay as a central focus, and engage with materials, processes, and audiences in unique and unconventional ways. Projects Space proposals can be submitted by individuals or a team of up to three artists.

Artists will create their works on-site within a blank assigned space, approximately 10’ x 20’, with no walls. Works are meant to occur, grow, and change throughout the duration of the event, with materials and construction limited to those permissible in such an environment.

2024 NCECA Podcast Session, Clay Doctors, Louise Deroualle, Jessica Gardner, Paul Blais, Bobby Scroggins and Rebecca Hutchinson.


Deadline THURSDAY, MAY 2, 2024 (11:59PM EDT)

Podcasts are recorded 60-minute engaging and thought-provoking conversations between two or three podcast panelists and one moderator. Podcast presentations focus on thematic discussions that encourage audience feedback and participation. If a moderator is not identified in the proposal, the Podcast Room Coordinator will work with accepted proposal groups to pair them with one. Recordings from the Podcast Room will be released throughout the year following the conference.

2023 NCECA Makers Space, Carving and Piercing Dynamic Surfaces, Katie Bosley Sabin


Deadline THURSDAY, MAY 2, 2024 (11:59PM EDT)

Makers Space - Demonstration Only
These 60-minute presentations involve one presenter giving a hands-on demonstration focused on a specific process in the maker’s repertoire of creation. Audiences for these sessions are often other makers, teachers, and learners looking for new approaches to working with form building and surface treatment to implement in their own studios and classrooms following the conference.

Clay Fab Lab - Demonstration Preferred
Presentations explore the intersection of new technologies and computer-aided design with ceramic creation. Clay Fab Lab presentations join innovative technology and tools to artistic tradition, expression, and innovation.