Bari Ziperstein, The Flat Iron, 2022
Beth Lo, Chinese American Take Out, 2022
Eugene Ofori Agyei, Bond (Details), 2021
Roxanne Swentzell, Ancestors, 2017
James C. Watkins, Bottle Form, 2021
Paul Andrew Wandless, Potters of Earth and Sea, 2021
Tyler Quintin, Rendering Self, 2021
Natasha Smoke Santiago, Intergenerational Resilience, 2019
Katie Bosley Sabin, Pierced Supports, 2021
Rose B. Simpson, Reincarnation II, 2021
Stephen Creech, Nerifoami 855, Rainbow Marshmallows, 2022
Sam Chumley, Rose Plate, 2022
Jack Troy, Flasher Plate, 2020
NCECA’s 57th Annual Conference,
Current, Cincinnati, Ohio, March 15-18, 2023. 2023 NCECA Demonstrating Artists!
Beth Lo
James C. Watkins
Natasha Smoke Santiago
Paul Andrew Wandless
Register for NCECA’s 57th Annual Conference, Current, Cincinnati, Ohio, March 15-18, 2023.
Click to download the 2023 NCECA Preliminary Program Guide and Exhibition Listing. Along with additional Conference information:
2023 Conference Poster featuring James C. Watkins
NCECA is driven to bring awareness to sustainable ceramic practices and their impact on the global environment. In 2023, green membership and conference practices will help reduce NCECA’s carbon footprint. This year we are offering a free digital download for NCECA’s 2023 conference poster and a print on demand option.
Click below to download a free printable PDF version of the conference poster:
Please note: the content of this page is updated weekly and is subject to change without prior notice.
2023 NCECA Demonstrating Artists
James C. Watkins and Paul Andrew Wandless
James C. Watkins
Paul Andrew Wandless
James C. Watkins
Larger Vessels Using a Coil Throwing Technique
Watkins will demonstrate a coil-throwing technique used to make large double-walled vessels.
Paul Andrew Wandless
Show, Don’t Tell
Wandless takes pride in being an artist and a craftsman and taking full advantage of any tools, equipment, techniques, mediums, and processes to make artwork. In this presentation, Wandless will sculpt, print, cast, mold, carve, model, texture, emboss and use color on various forms and surfaces to create narrative work.
2023 NCECA Demonstrating Artists
Beth Lo and Natasha Smoke Santiago
Beth Lo
Natasha Smoke Santiago
Beth Lo
Hand-built Porcelain Vessels, and Surface Imagery
Lo will be creating porcelain vessels and plates, demonstrating basic coil and slab techniques, and surface decoration using underglaze and copper washes. Lo will focus primarily on one larger jar or vase, and talk about her personal and Asian American sources for visual imagery.
Natasha Smoke Santiago
Haudenosaunee Pottery
Natasha Smoke Santiago will discuss the process and techniques used in the creation of Haudenosaunee (People of the Longhouse) Pottery. Describing traditional methods, firing techniques, and surface treatments. She shares hands-on techniques and an overview of traditional Mohawk pottery.
2023 NCECA Keynote Presenters
Rose B. Simpson and Roxanne Swentzell
Rose B. Simpson
Rose B. Simpson
KEYNOTE: Sourced; Inspiration, Innovation, and Material
In this presentation, Rose B. Simpson talks about inspiration and innovation in relation to terms that we often apply to materials and processes. This conversation sets the tone for the conference by digging deeper into the “why” and how this deeply informs the “how.”
Roxanne Swentzell
CLOSING LECTURE: Where do we go from here?
A presentation of Swentzell’s work, weaving it into what might come next by looking at what questions we ask ourselves and the meaning of the answers.
Roxanne Swentzell
Meet the 2023 Conference Presenters

Adam Abel

Adero Willard

Aja Edwin Mujinga

Alecia Dawn Young

Amanda Barr

Andrew Boswell

Anela Ming-Yue Oh

Anjani Khanna

anne drew potter

Antra Sinha

April Adewole

Arthur Gonzalez

Austen Brantley

Ben Carter

Benny Hill

Beth Lo

Bethany Kramer

Birdie Boone

Brendan Lee Satish Tang

Brian Gillis

Cam Waller

Carly Riegger

Caroline Cheng

Chotsani Dean

Chris Baskin

Chris Salas

Christie Goodfellow

Christina Orthwein

Cindy Leung

Connie Greany

Cristal Sabbagh

Danielle O'Malley

Dallas Wooten

Deavron Dailey

Delores Fortuna

Deshun Peoples

Diana Adams

Donte Cuellar

Dr. Cecily Whitworth

Dr. Cj O'Neill

Dr. Natasha Mayo

Dr. Rick Robinson

Emily Trick

Ernest Aryee

Eugene Ofori Agyei

Eva Masterman

Garima Tripathi

Genevieve Carminati

Gerald A. Brown

Geno Luketic

Greg Busceme

Hannah Kae Jacobson

Heather Mae Erickson

Heidi Fahrenbacher

Heidi McKay Casto

Igor Mintch

Ina Kaur

Isaac Scott

Jack Troy

Jennifer Watson

Jada Patterson

James C. Watkins

Jane Woodard

Janet Watkins

Janna Longacre

Japheth Asiedu-Kwarteng

Jasmine Baetz

Jing Huang

John Dixon

Jonathan Kaplan

Jesus Guizar

Joshua Beckett

Julia Galloway

Kathy King

Karan Witham-Walsh

Karl Yin

Kate Strachan

Kathryn Baczeski

Katie Bosley Sabin

Kiichi Takeuchi

Kimberlee Roth

Kukuli Velarde

L Autumn Gnadinger

Lauren Sandler

Leigh Taylor Mickelson

Lena Chin

Linda Bloomfield

Lindsay Rogers

Lindsey M Dillon

Marcè Nixon-Washington

Mario A Mutis R

Marissa Childers

Martha Underriner

Mary Beth Magyar

Mat Karas

Mathodi Motsamayi

Matt Mitros

Melanie Shaw

Michael Dela Dika

Naomi Clement

Natasha Smoke Santiago

Napoleon Maddox

Nick DeFord

Nicolle Hamm

Nivialis Toro-López

Osa Atoe

Patsy Cox

Paul Andrew Wandless

Paul Lewing

Rachel Gotlieb

Raheleh Filsoofi

Randi Sparks

Rashi Jain

Revati Jayakrishnan

Rich Brown

Richard Zane Smith

Rita Gudiño

Rose B. Simpson

Robin Williams Turnage

Sahar Tarighi

Sam Chumley

Sam Shamard

Sara Truman

Seana Higgins

Shalya Marsh

Shaya Ishaq

Sondra Elder

Stephanie Rozene

Stephen Phillips

Steven Hill

Sydney Ruckdeschel

Tasha Lewis

Timea Tihanyi

Tyler Quintin

Veronica Medina

Victoria Walton

Virgil Ortiz

Virginia Thompson

Vivianne Siqueiros

Wansoo Kim

Wheel Talk | Ryan Durbin and Becca Otis

William Henry Jackson III

Yael Braha
Conference Sponsors

Kelly and Kyle Phelps